My Daughter’s Wedding

Daughter's Wedding

My daughter got married today. I am still so emotional — happy emotions! My son-in-law is so amazing and I know my daughter is in good hands. No matter how old our children, they will always be our babies and we will always worry about them. It’s a relief though to know that they are being treated and loved properly so the worrying is more about choice, than a requirement. I joke with my daughter that she is now her husband’s problem and her father and I are done. She said she will always be our problem. *sighs* 🤣😂😭

I was so stressed the last few weeks leading up to her wedding. With us going on vacation, me catching Covid and just the usual wedding pressure, it was just too much going on at once. But the wedding was absolutely amazing and perfect! We partied so hard – it was truly a celebration. It was the focus of our holiday season this year. Thankful to not have to go through this ever again as she is our one and only daughter. LOL!

Now it’s time to unwind and prepare for the New Year. I am so excited for 2023! I am feeling like some really special things are going to happen in 2023. So let’s hope! *keeping fingers crossed*